Afkaaruna Primary

Afkaaruna Primary is established in 2017 and located in Dusun Pelem, Harjobinangun, Pakem   Our international curriculum is based on Cambridge Standard since it is used all over the world and more than 9000 schools offer this program. Cambridge subjects used in this program are: English language and literature, Mathematics and Science. This also has the potential for flexibility as it is combined with the Indonesian 2013 Curriculum.   The maximum capacity per class is 28 students  


  1. We use fun, comprehensive and challenging teaching methods.
  2. We adapt to children’s needs by teaching different subjects through a range of teaching strategies.
  3. We focus on experiential-based learning to allow students to understand the material they are studying.
  4. We invite members of the community to speak with students as part of our “Inspiration Class”.
  5. We go on excursions in our local area providing opportunities to learn from our community.


Special Programs

Character Building Camp is specially designed to develop students’ characters such as independence, cooperation and persistence. For Kindergarten students, the camp is once a year (Ramadhan Camp). For Primary students, the camp is regularly held once a semester (semester-break camp) and on special occasion (Ramadhan Camp) and are designed to meet students’ age and year of studentship. The learning journey can be seen in the following table:



In Afkaaruna Primary, GEMS which is developed by University of California Berkeley is aimed at promoting life-long love of learning of Mathematics and Science. The instructional materials that emphasize on experiments and problem solving allow students to comprehensively understand contents and concepts.

Located in the midst of community and surrounded by farms, Afkaaruna Islamic School allows its students to directly interact with people. Students are expected to understand and practice local values such as tepa selira (respect) and gotong royong (cooperation among community members).

Every Afkaaruna Primary student is encouraged to elaborate their talent and interest to the optimal point. We try to map their ability and give the treatment based on their needs. For instance, students who has interest and ability in particular subjects will be assisted to comprehend in those area, while other students can join regular “remedial” program to maximize learning opportunities.