Question : What is Afkaaruna Islamic School?
Answer : Afkaaruna Islamic School is an education institution under the leadership of Abdul Djalil Sibaweh foundation trying to synergize three pillars: Islam, local values and International-mindedness. Emphasizing those pillars, this madrasa gives positive stimulation through creative and child – friendly learning activities. Its goal is to pursue children to be able to grow their curiosity (muhibbul ilmi) with a dynamic and innovative approach. Thus, students will be able to internalize Islamic tenet life and be ready to become global citizen who have great nationality and locality (respect local culture).
Question : What are the level of educations available in Afkaaruna Islamic School?
Answer : Afkaaruna Islamic School has 4 units, they are:
Question : Where is the location of Afkaaruna Islamic School?
Answer : Afkaaruna Islamic School is located in Jalan Kaliurang KM 12.5, Pelem, Penen RT 004 RW 024 Harjobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Question : What kind of curriculum applied in Afkaaruna Islamic School?
Answer : The curriculum used in Afkaaruna Islamic School is stated as below:
Level | International curriculum | National curriculum | Afkaaruna curriculum |
Primary | Cambridge | The 2013 curriculum | Afkaaruna Learning Pack [ALP] English and al-Dirasah al-Islamiyah |
Kindergarten | International Primary Curriculum (IPC) | The 2013 curriculum | Afkaaruna Learning Pack [ALP] English and al-Dirasah al-Islamiyah |
Preschool | Montessori | The 2013 curriculum | Afkaaruna Learning Pack [ALP] English and al-Dirasah al-Islamiyah |
Question : What are the character building programs available in Afkaaruna Islamic School?
Answer :The character building program is designed to prepare each child in accordance with his/her development emotionally and physically. The program is also divided into operable parts called as below:
Characters & Soft Skills Development
Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)
Leadership and Humanitarian Program
Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Question : Is there any extracurricular activity in Afkaaruna Islamic School?
Answer : In our madrasa, we do not have extracurricular activity, but we do have CCA (Co-Curricular Activities) which has the same function as extracurricular activity. This activity is categorized based on the level of education:
Question : How many students are in a classroom?
Answer :
Question : How is the learning process in Afkaaruna Islamic School?
Answer :
Question : How is the qualification of the educators in Afkaaruna Islamic School?
Answer : Educators in our madrasa have at least undergraduate (strata 1) education background from various education fields: Islamic studies, Science, English Literature, Physics, Industrial Engineering, Engineering, Psychology, Literature, Pharmacy, Communication, etc. They are required to have competence in writing and reading Al Qur’an, basic understanding of Islam, and good English skill. For the day care program, we have our nursery staffs that are already experienced in this field. We also have kitchen staff (cooks) for serving the food, so we do not utilize any catering service.
Question : How is the role of parents in the process of education in Afkaaruna Islamic School?
Answer : Related to the alignment concept between learning process in madrasa and home, parents need to understand and cooperate to manifest the education goal in Afkaaruna Islamic School. Thus, in the process of enrolment (admission) we always invite parent to an interview in madrasa. Every three months, there would be a parents’ meeting (POMG). It functions as one of the ways of communication between parents and room leader to talk about the children’s progress in learning at the madrasa. Parents also have an organisation called PEM (Parents Engagement in Madrasa) and it functions as a space for them to communicate between one and another.
Question : Is a new student allowed to enroll in the middle of the semester or is it only in every new academic year?
Answer : Students can enrol in the middle of the semester after following a series of assessment and pass the requirements with one condition; there is an empty slot for the new student. If the result of the trial says that it is possible for the student to join in, the student is allowed to join after taking the interview session and paying the fees. In contrast, if the student does not pass the assessment, we will give some suggestions; what are the aspects needed to improve before entering the madrasa. Also, we are going to offer the new student’s admission.
Question : How if we want to get some information about Afkaaruna Islamic School? What should we do?
Answer : You can visit our website or facebook page Afkaaruna Islamic School and Instagram @afkaaruna. You can also propose some questions and send them to our email and contact us on 0274-4546885 and our Whatsapp 0822 2351 1916 (Customer Relation Officer)
Question : Is there any pick up service for students?
Answer : Currently there is a pick-up service in our madrasa, but we only provide it for home time by motorcycle and with the maximum distance 7 km.
Question : Must the students who want to enroll in Afkaaruna Islamic School have an excellent English skill?
Answer : It is not a must. Student will be able to get used to English as soon as they join Afkaaruna Islamic School. It might be hard for them at the first time, but parents do not need to worry about this.
Question : Will the student from Afkaaruna Islamic School automatically continue to the next level of education or he/she needs to re-enroll
Answer : We apply first comes, first serves sort of services. Students of Afkaaruna Islamic School who want to continue the level of education in Afkaaruna are required to enrol for every unit, and will not be automatically accepted. Thus, the decision is in parents’ hand.
Question : Can we swap the half-day program into the full day one and vice versa?
Answer : The half day and full day program are applied for one semester. It means that parents are prohibited to swap the programs in the middle of the semester, unless there is a certain condition related to the students’ development from the madrasa’s consideration. For the half day students who wants to suddenly change the program will get a charge.
Question : Is there any memorization (Hifdzul Qur’an) target for students?
Answer : There must be a target that is with minimum 2 juz during 6 years of Primary Studentship. However, we would adjust with each student’s ability without any pressure and compulsion.
Question : What kind of ‘ngaji’ method used in Afkaaruna?
Answer : We use Ummi method for ngaji and synchronized with al-Kitabah al-Arabiyah and Hifdzul Qur’an.
Question : How if the parents want to ask some questions or give suggestions to the madrasa?
Answer : Our Customer Relation Officer (CRO) will help in answering questions from parents. We suggest to parents who want to propose some questions to directly contact our CRO or the room leaders. Moreover, for common questions like learning process, uniform, or learning schedule can be shared in WhatsApp group provided by the madrasa. Our CRO’s office hour starts from 7 am until 5 pm and extra time (7 am – 8 pm). In case, there are things need to be discussed, we will offer the best time for us to meet up.
Question : Is there any outing class activity held by Afkaaruna for every level?
Answer : Yes, there is. We hold an event called outing class conducted twice in each semester.
Question : Is there any three days program for toddler student and day care?
Answer : No, there isn’t. In our madrasa, we want all new students to follow the admission procedure and there is no single day care program as well as the three days program.
Question : How can we monitor our child’s activities in every single day?
Answer : There would be a daily report book showing the student’s activities in everyday learning. Besides, in every once a week, educator will share photos of student’s activity in a week.
Question : Is there any specific language used in madrasa?
Answer : Students use English as an everyday language in madrasa and educators will explain and give instruction in English. Specifically, for preschool students, educator will use bilingual (Indonesia and English), while toddler students still use Bahasa Indonesia as it is their mother tongue.
Question : How if we want to propose a furlough to madrasa?
Answer : Parents can propose a furlough by following the right procedure settled by the madrasa Before proposing leaving permit, madrasa will invite the parents to discuss about the reason behind the leaving permit and offer solution other than taking a leave.
Question : Is there any madrasa committee in Afkaaruna Islamic School?
Answer : Afkaaruna Islamic School has a Madrasa Committee named PEM (Parents Engangement in Madrasa). PEM is a place for parents to gather and available in each level; PEM of Afkaaruna Primary, PEM of Afkaaruna Kindy, and PEM of Afkaaruna Preschool.
Question : Are students required to wear uniform everyday?
Answer : Students are required to wear uniform on Wednesday (sport uniform), Thursday (Batik Uniform), Friday (white uniform). Particularly, for Thursday Pahing, students will wear traditional costume. For everyday outfit, students wear comfortable Muslim’s clothes and are suggested not to wear belted jeans.
Day | Primary | Kindy | Preschool |
Monday | Red and White | White Outfit | Free |
Tuesday | Casual Batik & Pencak silat | Free | Free |
Wednesday | Sport | Free | Sport |
Thursday | Afkaaruna Batik | Afkaaruna Batik | Free |
Friday | Scout | Sport | White Outfit |
Question : Do students need to bring change clothes everyday?
Answer : Yes, they do. Students need to bring change clothes every single day; maximum 2 change clothes. This applies to both half and full day students. It is not recommended to bring more than two change clothes unless there is a certain condition urging them to bring more than two change clothes.
Question : What are the things needed to bring to madrasa?
Answer : Things needed to bring to madrasa are listed below.
Question : Is there any delay hours for picking up students?
Answer : Delay hours is regulated as below.
Question : Could students celebrate their birthday at madrasa?
Answer : If students want to have birthday party at madrasa, parents need to communicate this first with madrasa. They are allowed to share foods or gifts by the madrasa’s approval. It is not allowed to bring birthday cake with candles and stuff to madrasa. If the implementation is not suitable with the rule.