“Expecting all children the same age to learn from the same materials is like expecting all children the same age to wear the same size of clothing.”
[Madeline Hunter]
We develop Afkaaruna Learning Framework to achieve our vision and to strengthen our values. The Learning Framework as will be explained below:
Afkaaruna Islamic School aspires to create “muhibbul ilmi” (strong desire of learning) generation. To achieve that, we determine some learning skills which are built and strengthened in our students to stimulate their curiosity through our learning activities.
Afkaaruna Islamic School aspires to create a tafaqquh fi al-diin generation (skilled and uphold Islamic thought) Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah who are ready to become global citizens with strong local awareness.
To arrive at the personal character of faqih, we bring our students to comprehensively understand sources of knowledge from both al-ayah al-kauniyah —or kauniyyah verses as reflected in real life concerning nature and its phenomenon— and al-ayah al-qauliyah —or qauliyyah verses as literally written in Qur’an—. For this goal, Afkaaruna Islamic School requires students to study al-Dirasah al-Islamiyyah that covers Qira’ah al-Qur’an, al-Kitabah al-‘Arabiyyah, Hifdzul Qur’an, Qira’ah al-Kutub, as-Shirah an-Nabawi, and History of Islam in Indonesia) systematically synchronized with some subjects including Science, Social Studies —including History, Geography, Society, Pancasila & Civic Education) as well as Arts & Performance , and Physical Education
Afkaaruna Islamic School aspires to create kind-hearted generation who has 7 main skills and characters competencies including self reliance (read: independent study skills), communication, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration as a condition to develop long life learners. In addition, in order to achieve living skills, we train our students practical life skills, literacy skills, numeracy skills, finance skills, and social & civic awareness.
Broadly speaking, the three Afkaaruna Islamic School units which include Afkaaruna Preschool, Afkaaruna Kindy, and Afkaaruna Primary are based on the same framework. What distinguishes these three units is the depth and breadth of the framework so that the implementation, targets, learning methods and measurements are also different.
A. Afkaaruna Primary
Afkaaruna Primary uses the Cambridge Standard synchronized to Afkaaruna Learning Packs that cover English, al-Dirasah al-Islamiyyah, and local values. Additionally, we develop several areas including understanding the world, living skills, dan Afkaaruna skills and characters, physical education, and expressive arts & performance. The learning skills cover independent study, critical and innovative thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration. Meanwhile, living skills include self- management, literacy, numeracy, finance, social and civic engagement.
B. Afkaaruna Kindy
Afkaaruna Kindy uses the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) synchronized to Afkaaruna Learning Packs (ALP) that cover English, al-Dirasah al-Islamiyyah, and local values. Literacy is delivered in two languages; Bahasa Indonesia and English. Learning to read systematically is given to Kindy B students with Phonic method and introduction to letters is delivered through flash cards.
Afkaaruna Kindy graduates are expected to grow according to their age and be ready to take part in further basic education (read: Primary level). In addition, they are also expected to have good basic skills in reading Qur’an.
In general, Afkaaruna Kindy several strands including al-Dirasah al-Islamiyyah, Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Communication, Physical Development, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design, Math, Learning Skills, and Living Skills, as described as follows
C. Afkaaruna Preschool
Afkaaruna Preschool which consists of Toddler and Preschool has 4 learning strands, namely al-Dirasah al-Islamiyyah, Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Communication, and Physical Development, as illustrated in the diagram as follows